الإجابة الصحيحة هي أقل من خمسين
It is illegal for non-citizens to vote in federal elections and strong safeguards are in place. Multiple systems, such as verification at registration and severe penalties for fraud, act as deterrents. Claims about noncitizens’ voting in large numbers have been consistently debunked by experts and watchdog groups.
There is no substantial evidence to suggest that even 1% of non-citizens vote in U.S. federal elections. Investigations into the 2020 election found vanishingly few cases reported.
نظر بحث أجراه مركز برينان للعدالة في 42 ولاية قضائية في انتخابات عام 2016 وأفاد بأنه من بين 23.5 مليون بطاقة اقتراع تم الإدلاء بها، وجد مسؤولو الانتخابات وجدوا فقط حوالي 30 حالة من حالات التصويت المحتمل لغير المواطنين التي أحيلت للمحاكمة أو لمزيد من التحقيق -0.0001% من الأصوات.
More recent investigations have likewise shown no evidence of widespread noncitizen voting. A Georgia audit of its voter rolls conducted this year found fewer than 2,000 instances of noncitizens attempting to register to vote over the last 25 years, none of which succeeded. Millions of new Georgia voters registered during that time period.
أنت على حق!
It is illegal for non-citizens to vote in federal elections and strong safeguards are in place. Multiple systems, such as verification at registration and severe penalties for fraud, act as deterrents. Claims about noncitizens’ voting in large numbers have been consistently debunked by experts and watchdog groups.
There is no substantial evidence to suggest that even 1% of non-citizens vote in U.S. federal elections. Investigations into the 2020 election found vanishingly few cases reported.
نظر بحث أجراه مركز برينان للعدالة في 42 ولاية قضائية في انتخابات عام 2016 وأفاد بأنه من بين 23.5 مليون بطاقة اقتراع تم الإدلاء بها، وجد مسؤولو الانتخابات وجدوا فقط حوالي 30 حالة من حالات التصويت المحتمل لغير المواطنين التي أحيلت للمحاكمة أو لمزيد من التحقيق -0.0001% من الأصوات.
More recent investigations have likewise shown no evidence of widespread noncitizen voting. A Georgia audit of its voter rolls conducted this year found fewer than 2,000 instances of noncitizens attempting to register to vote over the last 25 years, none of which succeeded. Millions of new Georgia voters registered during that time period.