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join the iine legacy society

You have accumulated a lifetime of experiences and memories. With planned giving, you can decide to allocate your resources in a way that aligns with your values, secures your legacy, and makes a difference for future generations.

Planned giving provides a flexible and effective way for you to continue to support IINE, while also potentially generating financial benefits for yourself and your loved ones. Some of the most popular forms of planned giving include:

Refugee Services

Will Bequests: Leave a gift to IINE in your will, which can help reduce your estate taxes and support the cause you care about.

Charitable Trusts: Set up a trust that pays income to you or someone you designate while also making gifts to IINE.

Charitable Gift Annuities: Make a gift to IINE in exchange for a guaranteed, fixed income for life.

Retirement plan assets: You can name IINE as the beneficiary of your retirement plan, which can help reduce your taxes and provide a significant gift.

By including IINE in your estate plan, you can ensure that your legacy will continue to make a positive impact for generations to come and you can be recognized for your generosity in your lifetime. 

If you would like to learn more about joining the IINE Legacy Society and how it can benefit you and the refugees and immigrants we serve, please reach out to us.

Immigrants, often refugees, arrive in the U.S. bewildered, frightened, and overwhelmed. They come here with hopes for a better life than the one they left, and many really had no choice. I was lucky to be born and raised here and I am glad to share my good fortune with others who have had a challenging path. 

IINE provides tools for immigrants to succeed, and we benefit from them being here. Take a look around and see who is providing services at restaurants, hotels and airports, not to mention health care, and more. It is important for me to help provide people with the tools they need to succeed in this new, foreign world … IINE does a marvelous job, under a great deal of pressure, with grace, care and good humor.”

—Pam Chang, ESOL Tutor

I support the International Institute of New England because of its long track record and proven results in helping immigrants and refugees. IINE has developed programs to support these newcomers and ensure they get the health care, language skills and training needed to become productive citizens. Now more than ever the services of IINE are needed to smooth the way for new generations of immigrants.”

—Julianne Mehegen

It was at a Suitcase Stories® event back in 2017 that I first learned about IINE. I was so moved by the stories I heard, I became an IINE volunteer in Lowell tutoring  English. It is a singularly American experience to sit in an IINE classroom with 20+ people of different nationalities, genders, and ages learning English together.

As the son of immigrants, I feel compelled to help people seeking a better life for themselves and their families. My wife, Jill Block, and I are committed to supporting IINE’s mission with our philanthropic giving. It’s a joy to know that our contributions are helping people from all over the world settle in New England and build productive lives.”

—Wade Rubinstein, Board Member