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Trafficking Victim Assistance Program (TVAP)

The Trafficking Victim Assistance Program is a safety net for victims of human trafficking who are out of active trafficking, but have not yet received legal status and thus are unable to work or receive most public benefits.

The program also serves trafficking victims who have received legal status but are still working to get back on their feet. TVAP works to fill in the gaps—from legal assistance to helping clients connect with the medical care and the social services they need.
How We Help

TVAP ensures immigrant clients who have experienced trafficking receive the support and resources they need to rebuild their lives. We serve these individuals in a variety of ways, including:

Case Management and Support Services

Case managers work closely with survivors to assess their needs and develop individualized plans for recovery. This can include educational opportunities, job training, language classes for non-native speakers, and assistance with obtaining employment.

Health Care Advocacy

Survivors of trafficking may suffer from a range of physical and psychological health issues, including injuries from abuse, mental health conditions like PTSD, and substance use issues. We help connect clients to the medical care they need as well as provide translation services so that they may adequately communicate with medical professionals.

Social Integration & Community Support

Social isolation can be a significant issue for trafficking survivors. TVAP facilitates connections with community resources, support groups, and social services to help survivors build new networks of support and integrate more fully into the community.

Legal Assistance

Legal challenges for trafficking survivors can include navigating the criminal justice system, immigration issues for those trafficked across borders, and pursuing restitution or compensation. IINE connects survivors with legal advocates and attorneys who specialize in these areas.

Financial Assistance

Many survivors emerge from trafficking situations with no financial resources. TVAP can connect clients with financial assistance programs to help secure housing, meet basic needs, and work toward financial independence.

Trafficking Victim Assistance Program Services

Understanding Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is a complex issue that is often misunderstood.

Here are some common misconceptions:

It only happens in certain places.

There’s a widespread belief that human trafficking only occurs in poor or developing countries. However, it is a global issue that affects every country around the world, including developed nations. Traffickers exploit vulnerabilities that exist everywhere, regardless of a country’s economic status.

Understanding these misconceptions is crucial to effectively combating human trafficking and supporting victims.

Meet TVAP Case Specialist Andrew Vontzalides

Andrew joined IINE in 2023 after working with Venezuelan immigrants as a Fulbright ETA (English Teaching Assistant) in Colombia. As the TVAP Case Specialist at our Boston office, Andrew ensures our immigrant clients who have experienced trafficking receive the support and resources they need to rebuild their lives.