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Case Management

Our Case Management program ties our continuum of care together to support individuals and families as they orient and adjust to life in New England.

IINE serves refugees and new immigrants who:

Are overwhelmingly low-income with limited support networks

Are traditionally among the most under-served groups in the U.S. 

Have been uprooted by war and conflict, experiencing profound loss – homes, material goods, financial resources, even friends and family.

Are from diverse backgrounds and experiences and share a lack of familiarity with American culture, institutions, habits, and values.

Our Services

Case Management Services

Case Management services begin with a comprehensive intake and assessment and include care planning, referral to health and mental health services, referral to education and employment, and self-sufficiency support. Through a combination of home visits and office appointments, case workers provide ongoing support to ensure that clients are able to access, maintain, and engage in education and employment services.

Within our Case Management program, IINE offers unique services to persecuted immigration populations including refugees, asylees, parolees, unaccompanied immigrant minors reunifying with family, and victims of human trafficking. We have site-specific programming focusing on refugee youth, Central American minors, and Haitian community members. Our staff designs services to address each individual’s distinct social, emotional, legal, and vocational needs.

Program Information Request Form

Please complete this form to learn more about our Case Management Services

Program Information Request Form

Please select your language.

What is your preferred language? English, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Somali, Creole, Khmer, Chinese, Vietnemese, Etc..

What services are you interested in?
You must choose at least one service.



Nazia’s Story: An Afghan Refugee’s Relentless Commitment to Education and Hope